Tired Mom Runs | From Tired To Thriving
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Welcome to Tired Mom Runs

Welcome to Tired Mom Runs, where fitness meets motherhood right at your fingertips! As a dedicated endurance sports coach, I am here to help tired moms (& and dads) like you achieve your fitness goals. With my expertise and guidance, powered by the future of endurance training Athletica.ai, we will transform your tired body into a strong and energized one, so you can keep doing what you love to do!


Let's embark on this fitness journey together and make motherhood a fit and healthy experience.


My athletes are busy high-achieving professionals, stay-at-home moms, business owners, and parents with full lives and big dreams in running, triathlon, and Cross-Country Skiing!

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Tune In On Our New Podcast

The Athlete's Compass

I am honored to have joined Paul Laursen, PhD and founder of Athletica.ai, and HIITscience.com, and cyclist, and coach Paul Warlovski in The Athlete's Compass where we aim to guide you as an everyday athlete to navigate training, fitness, and health. 

We welcome listener questions which you can submit here

and tune in every week on your favorite podcast channel or in YouTube

Coaching Services

Welcome to Fit Motherhood at Your Fingertips. Achieve your fitness goals with a variety of coaching solutions designed to help you get fit and stay fit. Whether you want to PR at a race, run a marathon, or keep up with your kiddos, I have the perfect solution for you. 
As an endurance sports and fitness coach, I provide personalized programs powered by cutting edge techtailored to help you achieve and maintain your health and fitness goals. Explore my range of offerings and choose the one that aligns with your ambitions and lifestyle. Why at fingertips? Well, because I deliver all programs using cutting-edge technology, like Athletica.ai, and my own strength app, so they are conveniently available to you. You just open the app and you've got it in front of you! I also believe in open communication, so you feel supported. I don't put limits to how often you can talk with me. You want to talk? I'm here for you! 

Group Workout

Strength Training

Build lean muscle and improve your overall health with my unique strength training program. Through a combination of strategic exercises for running, triathlon, skiing or to tackle everyday mother's day, you'll be ready to conquer any challenge. 

Programs include: Learn to Lift, The Strength Lab, Mom Strong and In-person strength training. 


Also Mom & Daughter programs available: "Running with Mom" Enquire now: info@tiredmomruns.com


Endurance Sports Coaching

Train for your key events with me! I deliver a balanced, sport science based training programming for running, cycling, triathlon and Nordic Skiing, with unique support that will guarantied leave you feeling supported, with private, and group coaching calls, educational videos, and unlimited changes and communication with your coach.

All endurance training packages also include strength training (you can even join me for weekly workouts) and nutritional guidance.


From Tired To Thriving

Health and fitness is not just about how you look on the outside, but also how you feel on the inside. I have created several programs for moms like you. 

I was a tired mom who did not run, suicidal, exhausted, disgusted by myself, grappling with negative self-image, self-talk and I felt lost in motherhood. 


Programs include: Fitness Kick Starter, The Fit Mom Core,  and my Flagship programs; The Fit Mom Method and The Fit Mom Deep Dive.

More to come. 

  • TMR Endurance Coaching Team

    Every month
    Monthly membership for runners, triathletes, XC skiing, and everyday wellness
    • Free Consultation
  • The Fit Mom Way

    Every month
    Nordic-inspired roadmap to unveil the healthiest, super-fit version of YOU
    Valid for 6 months
    • Six module online learning journey
    • Six Month Individual Training Plan to Reach YOUR goals
    • Online resources
    • BiWeekly Live Calls
    • Weekly Love Letter
    • One-on-One Individual Guidance Sessions (Modules 4,5,6)
    • Monthly Group Coaching Call
    • Private Facebook Group
    • Your Very Own Members Portal

    Strength, Skiing, Running, Triathlon Individual Program
    Valid for 4 months
    • 1 Online / In Person Consultation
    • Individual Training Program Designed For You
    • App/Email/Text Support
  • 1-on-1 coaching

    Every month
    +$100 Onboarding fee
    Monthly online personal coaching including personalized, flexible training powered by Athletica.ai
     14 day free trial
    • Free Consultation

Your Journey 

You don't need to know how you will get from Your Life as an exhausted mom to the Strong, Fit Mom, you just need to commit with your whole body, mind, and soul. I  am your how. I will show you and empower you to learn and evolve.

And then we keep repeating. recovering and climbing up that mountain and we will not give up until you are standing on top of that mountain and lifting your arms in victory. It will be hard, and you will wonder whether you'll ever get there, but once you do, you will look back and be astounded because you won't even recognize the woman you used to be. 

You Are Loved. You Matter. You are Safe. 

Introducing My Team

I am honored and proud to fully embrace the power of AI in my coaching business because it allows me to be the best coach I can be, freeing my hands from the nitty gritty time-consuming work which machines can do better and faster than humans can anyway, and allowing me to give my full attention to what my athletes deserve; communication with them. My partner in crime is of course Athletica.ai, which is developed by a world-renowned exercise physiologist, coach, and sports scientist, Professor Paul Laursen, who also happens to be my personal coach, and a friend. Athletica bases its genius on decades of sports science by Dr. Lausen world-leading experts in HIITscience.com and the genius data scientists that work tirelessly in the background. 


Join me today and take your performance to another level with me and Athletica.

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Happy Athletes

Cecilia, Norway

Being a working twin mom has always made it difficult tough to prioritize working out. This was until I got MJ as my coach. She analyzed my situation and my goals. Weekly she provides programs - just for me - and she follows up each workout. This has led to a shift in my life. Now - I have time for family, work, and training. And I'm reaching my goals and I have more energy!

Katie, MN, USA

Marjaana as my xc ski and run coach my training improved immensely! She really cares about me as a person and as an athlete, and crafts excellent training plans  to help me reach my goals - I already feel stronger!

Krystel, Dubai, UAE

Honestly, the biggest accomplishment of doing the Nordic Way with Marjaana was the "Proof" that I can do it, that I CAN GET BACK into the fitness program and stick to it.


My name is Marjaana Rakai, MSc, CPT

I was a tired, exhausted, burned-out mom who did not run. I had three amazing little hurricanes in 3.5 years in between them on while moving between 4 continents in as many years. I could not run for 15 mins. I was lost in motherhood and in life until running saved my life, and I started questioning my own negative thoughts. 


One experience led to a series of life-changing mindset work that allowed me to transform from Tired To A Thriving Mom Athlete.


Since 2015, I've proven my-old-self wrong in so many levels, but let's just start with these facts: 2 x Ironman, 4 x 70.3 Ironman, 1 x XTerra, 3 x World Championships Qualifications, 4 Marathons, lost count of half maras, 10K, 5K, and throw in there open water swim, road cycling races, and couple ski marathons. I started at 38 yo and I KNOW I can still get better at 45!


I have science background with MSc in Sports Sciences from the Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, HIIT Science certification, NASM CPT, GGS Women's coaching Specialist, Tri Canada Community Trained Coach, continuously learning via HIITscience.com, and Athletica founder Professor Paul Laursen, world-renowned Exercise Physiologist. I am also a co-host together with cyclist/coach Paul Warlovski and Professor Paul Laursen of The Athlete's Compass.


I am a brand ambassador for Athletica.ai, HRV4Training  and Betty Designs.


If I can do it, you can do it! Let's Chat today!

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Tired Mom Runs Blog

You Are UNIQUE. 

You are unique in your physiology, your life circumstances, your dreams. You should not be coached with a cookie-cutter program. 


I am your "HOW" in your unique journey towards your goals & dreams! 



AI Driven, Sports Science Backed with Human Touch

I'm so excited to share that I've partnered up with Athletica.ai, AI driven, sports science backed training platform that allows me to spend more time with what human coaches do the best - communicating and understanding the uniqueness of each athlete. Athletica allows me to the best human coach I can be. It allows you to focus on your life and training. 

Your Training Program At Your Fingertips

Your individual training programs are delivered to your phone via either Athletica or my own strength training app. You never again have to ask yourself: "What training should I do today?" 

Whole hearted Support

Because Athletica does take care of the heavy load of programming, I can focus on providing the best possible support for you, whether it is private chats, texts, educational videos, blog posts, and live sessions with you. 

Lifestyle & Nutrition Guidance

Your health is the most important thing. Health drives everything I do for you. 

Recover, sleep, mental health, mindset, and nutrition are cornerstones in your training program with me.

If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.

Enjoying Outdoor

Stay Informed

Subscribe to our newsletter for fit motherhood at your fingertips, tips and updates.

Thank You!

The Athlete's Compass podcast

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Featured services

I coach with compassion 

Hey, motherhood is hard. It's the hardest job I've ever done. Racing an Ironman is a child's play compared to the challenges I've faced in motherhood. Yet, I would not change a thing! 

Combining some big goals with being a mom and getting shit done is possible, but it requires a flexible, honest, curious, and open approach to training from both the athlete and the coach. 

Taking a playful approach to your training, and staying flexible and creative is the key. It has helped me tremendously to understand sports science as I've navigated the journey from an absolute beginner to high-level racing. Thankfully, I've got my coach to help me understand and support me along the way. 

My coaching philosophy has evolved and honestly, it is very simple. Understand the athlete in front of me, use science-based approaches to training planning, and be ready to throw everything out as you navigate the obstacles together with the athlete. I've coached so many people with different backgrounds and life situations that I know one thing holds true: What worked for one, does not necessarily work for all. 

If you are curious about your own potential in your favorite sport, don't hesitate to book a friendly call. 



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